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摘  要
Johnson & Johnson Company Delegation Business Reception Program
1 Design purpose and significance
In the context of the current new economic situation, the social economy has developed rapidly. The construction of political, economic and cultural undertakings in various places has been carried out very quickly. The business volume of business reception activities has increased significantly. How to do the reception work as much as possible in accordance with international business etiquette is something that every receptionist must pay attention to. Founded in 1886, Johnson & Johnson is the world's largest and diversified healthcare and consumer care products company. In recent years, our school has close exchanges and contacts with Johnson & Johnson, and Johnson & Johnson has attached great importance to cooperation and exchanges with universities. It hopes to establish a long-term partnership with our school.
Therefore, in order to strengthen further understanding and promote further cooperation between Johnson & Johnson and our school, the school's international exchange college and the corresponding college personnel must pay attention to the reception work and make all-round preparations. To this end, the business reception program was specially arranged and formulated.
2 Introduction to the Johnson & Johnson Company 

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